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Monthly Equity Staff Meetings are designed to bring member district equity staff together to create a professional learning community to exchange ideas and engage in professional dialogue. 

For more information on the IDP opportunities, contact Heather Lyke at

​​​​​​​​​​Northwest Suburban Integration School District offers ongoing learning opportunities for all staff in our seven member district collaborative. Our programs and services promote integrated learning environments, enhanced diversity, and cultural awareness. Participants can earn CEUs. 

The Inter-District Partnership (IDP) series is sponsored by NWSISD’s

Family and Community Empowerment Program and Multicultural Resource

Center. IDPs are available to all employees within our seven member districts.  IDPs are a combination of workshops and field trips. 

The Inter-District Partnership Series offerings for 2024-25 can be accessed here.

​For questions, please contact Ulises Rodriguez, Learning & Development Specialist, at 763-450-1304 or

Professional Development